Explore: Watersound Monarch Art Trail ? Located along South Watersound Parkway’s existing mile-long walking and bike p…
Explore: Watersound Monarch Art Trail ? Located along South Watersound Parkway’s existing mile-long walking and bike path that connects Highways 98 and 30A. #Watersound #SouthWaltonFL https://www.facebook.com/share/WVf7iuMDdzMv7JKW/?mibextid=oFDknk?? Spring is the perfect time to explore! The Watersound® Monarch Art Trail (MAT) is an outdoor sculpture project created by the CAA with support from The St. J…oe Community Foundation. The MAT includes 8?? original sculptures designed specifically for installation along South Watersound Parkway’s existing mile-long walking and bike path that connects Highways 98 and 30A. Trail visitors are encouraged to take a self-guided tour visit ?? culturalartsalliance.com/monarch-art-trail for insight into the artists’ creative process as well as information about the surrounding environment through audio recordings. ?South Watersound Parkway Use of the area was made possible by The St. Joe Company. The sculptures are complemented with seating, lighting, signage, and native landscape. The St. Joe Community Foundation, Inc. | The St. Joe Company | Sandhills Native Nursery #ArtMatters #WeAreTheCAA #ArtInPublicSpaces
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