?7/11/24 UPDATE: YELLOW FLAGS! Fortunately surf hazards are gradually decreasing into Thursday afternoon and lifeguard…
?7/11/24 UPDATE: YELLOW FLAGS! Fortunately surf hazards are gradually decreasing into Thursday afternoon and lifeguards are changing beach flags to YELLOW. Rip …currents and moderate surf hazards are still present. Please continue to respect the open water and swim near a lifeguard for the safest experience at the beach! Stay hydrated and wear plenty of SPF out there, enjoy your day. ———————– SINGLE RED FLAGS! 7/11/24 Single red flags remain flying Thursday, July 11, for high surf hazards and remaining dangerous rip currents following the landfall of Hurricane Beryl earlier this week. ??? Please stay close to shore! Remember #KneeDeepIsTooDeep. Do not underestimate the power of the open water. As always, stay hydrated and wear plenty of SPF! This South Walton summer weather is HOT ??? We will be evaluating the conditions throughout the day and make changes to the flags as necessary. Walton County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Walton County Emergency Management SoWal Walton County Tourism 30A Visit South Walton NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center US National Weather Service Tallahassee Florida
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